Filming to begin on "The Internship 2: You really thought you'd get a job with one internship you dumb fuck?"

Filming to begin on "The Internship 2: You really thought you'd get a job with one internship you dumb fuck?"

Campus is abuzz with the news that Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson will be returning to campus to film “The Internship 2: You really thought you’d get a job with only one internship you dumb fuck?” The comedic duo will reprise their roles as hapless adult interns at Google, set to begin their second summer after realizing that one good internship obviously won’t get them hired anywhere.

Studio executives told The Crouton that the sequel will take a more realistic approach to the story. For starters, gone are the attractive hipsters in skinny jeans and cardigans who were hired as extras to play Google employees; in their place, the studio plans on hiding an image rights contract in this year’s Georgia Tech handbook in order to use real life computer science students in the movie. Director Shawn Levy said of the decision: “Yeah, I think the stark contrast between Owen Wilson’s boyish charm and the perpetually exhausted/terrified/what-the-fuck-is-wrong-with-my-code look on the face of every CS student we’ve met on campus should lend itself to a more accurate portrayal of what it’s like to work with America’s best and brightest at Google.”

Studio execs told The Crouton that they have no doubt that they have more than enough material to produce a third and possibly even a fourth film. The pending films have been tentatively named “The Internship 3: There’s no way they don’t hire me after this” and “The Internship 4: MOTHERFUCKERS HOW DID I NOT EVEN GET AN INTERVIEW?”

Disclaimer: This is a work of satire and does not reflect the views of, nor is it officially associated with, the Georgia Institute of Technology.

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